But knowing what they do now, it begs a fair question of why they're going to go through with it, despite having heard where it'll lead. Related: The Best Sci-Fi Movies On Netflix. The notion is also supported by Kauffman's original script for the film (via Screenplays For You) which, among its differences (including a framing device of Mary trying to sell a manuscript of the story), ends with a much older version of Clementine, whose file has "a list of fifteen dates of previous erasures stretching back fifty years, all of them involving Joel Barish." The key signifier of this comes in the movie's closing sequence, which sees Joel and Clementine in the snow in Montauk. Cite this article as: Tim, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind – Analysis, May 2, 2011, " in. We can say that Joel and Clementine are Nietzschean characters because they are pure becomings, transcendence of suffering, in short pure affirmation of life. Outside of its central characters, side plots involving Lacuna, the company who carry out the procedures, then begin to develop and coalesce, bringing everything together in the film's final third. Pas prêt à encaisser le gâchis que représente une séparation. It may end in heartache, but they also know it'll bring happiness, laughter, and love into their lives, so it has to be worth a shot. Here's what happens and what it all really means. While Joel may insist that he "can't think of anything" he doesn't like about her, Clementine responds that he will, and that she'll "get bored...and feel trapped." One of the most decisive moments in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind comes not from Joel or Clementine, but Mary (Kirsten Dunst), the Lacuna employee who sends out the tapes. L’homme pré-historique avait besoin de feu pour vivre. Vindicative, Mary a volé tous les dossiers de la compagnie pour les envoyer aux clients. Know first of all that there is no single answer to this question. Of course, with Joel and Clementine entering into this new relationship, the audience is every bit as aware of the potential dangers as they are. The pair both undergo treatments to have their memories of the other removed, although not before recording tapes to remind them of every little thing they hated about the other. Ils passent la nuit à discuter ensemble comme deux amoureux qu’ils vont redevenir. Parce que la vie est courte et qu’il faut profiter de tout, absolument. Amnesia is presented as a lightness, a source of creativity and freedom. Ce site utilise Akismet pour réduire les indésirables. Cette tentation transhumaniste ne nous rend pas forcément plus heureux par ailleurs (cf Newness). Rather than freeing them from the pain the relationship left behind, it only makes matters worse. Is Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind On Netflix, Hulu Or Prime? The ending of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind then also ties into grander themes still of love, and more specifically who we love, and the choices (or lack thereof) around that. As soon as he enters into a relationship, the individual is inclined to idealize the person he meets on a regular basis. Constantly looking for personal development and improvement, the Man would like the people around him adhere to his life goals. However, both characters are placed in this recurring situation , returning the same and they accept each time to relive their choice. Il s’y balade sur la plage et fait la rencontre de Clementine (Kate Winslet). Having witnessed Joel and Clementine's relationship, it is clear there are many ways in which they're not compatible, with almost countless things about them that will irritate and wear down the other. At once ambiguous and satisfying, and hopeful but with the potential of more devastation to follow, it's a stunning climax that lingers long after the credits have rolled. Related: Is Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind On Netflix, Hulu Or Prime? Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Here's what happens and what it means. Joel a vu chacun de ses souvenirs de Clementine disparaitre un à un, basculant doucement dans un cauchemar. I wish I’d stayed, too. L’homme pré-historique vivait aussi des histoires d’amour passionnées et connaissait parfois des séparations douloureuses. Une fois la mission terminée, Mary s’est mise soudainement à flirter avec le Dr Mierzwak, se faisant attraper par sa femme jalouse et qui l’avait suivi en pleine nuit. Good morning Lacuna. Les possibilités offertes par le transhumanisme sont infinies, c’est pour cela qu’elles sont si effrayantes. Mary (Kirsten Dunst), Stan (Mark Ruffalo) et Patrick (Elijah Wood) ont débarqué chez Joel pour procéder à l’opération. C’est ainsi que Clementine et Joel découvrent qu’ils se sont effacés mutuellement de leur mémoire respective. La vie s’en trouverait changée. Aujourd’hui on ne peut plus vivre sans batterie. Instead, the “hypermnesic” (inability to forget) would be pure retention, pure nostalgia. That's not something Mary can rectify with herself, because she went through the treatment alone and because of who she tried to forget, but it's something other people - not least Joel and Clementine - can learn from. Détachés de tout (cf Detachment), on ne supporte plus nos ex sans pour autant supporter l’idée qu’elles puissent être avec d’autres. The cyclical, non-linear structure of the film's narrative itself suggests that this is a real possibility, and that Joel and Clementine have walked down this path many times before. Thus, their love story would disappear forever from their common memory. LE COMMENTAIRE. Nous sommes restés des enfants qui veulent tout, sans savoir ce qu’ils veulent vraiment. In the end, they choose to take a leap of faith with one another, and to decide to explore their feelings and see where they lead, rather than just shutting them off completely and being miserable again.