We promise to answer quickly – after all, speed is in our name. These very quite useful steps. 5. Si votre partenaire, votre famille ou vos ami.e.s ont accès à votre téléphone et que vous avez fait une recherche un peu honteuse ou secrète, vous pouvez également supprimer votre historique. Open the Instagram app and log in to your account if not done already. When it comes to our digital lives, usually we all love to keep things private. Moreover, they have also given some degree of control to the users by providing an option to remove desired suggested profiles. Non ! Your feedback. With this, the Settings screen will open. This will take you to a new tab or page with a vertical list labeled All Suggestions. Any clue on why this would happen? Previously she worked as an IT Analyst at TCS, but she found her calling elsewhere. This is great!! Here’s How To Fix This Problem, What Is Instagram Reel Videos (Reels) And How To Get It. Arguably, it may even help the individual to find more Instagram accounts that they are genuinely interested in following. It seems a bug to me. Step 3: Tapping on it will prompt you for confirmation. Coming to the disadvantages, whenever one taps on that search bar, search history shows up. Thank you very much for subscribing to our Newsletter! even thou I cleared search history….these profile icons pop up every time I click search….how can I erase or replace these? It will disappear immediately. Instagram recently launched a new feature called Suggested Posts. Congratulations! À jamais ? I’ve done this – including log out, clearing all cache and app data. The good part is it shows you the recent searches you have made and if in future you want to visit that profile or hashtag again you can use the history instead of searching again. Same problem here. 2. This feature on Instagram search is called autocomplete, and Keyword Tool uses the autocomplete of Instagram to generate Instagram hashtags suggestions. En bas à droite vous verrez ainsi un écrou avec le mot "Configuration". Veloce International © Copyright 2020 | All Rights Reserved. So, you might be irritated by the inappropriate suggestions. The following instructions apply to both the Instagram app and Instagram.com. It worked for a while – until after a day or so, the people I don’t wanna see anymore keep reappearing in ‘recent’ list when I type the first or 2 first letters (for instance : when I type P or A). Si vous ne voulez pas que vos recherches soient enregistrées, vous pouvez supprimer l'historique de vos recherches dans l'application. Allez sur la dernière icône en bas à droite, qui correspond à. Quand vous êtes sur votre profil, vous devez aller dans la partie configuration. You can also use the same steps to clear certain profiles or hashtags from Recent search history if you don’t want to delete all of them. Parfois, parmi les publications des profils que vous suivez, vous trouvez un profil publicitaire ? You can only opt-out of the Suggestions for You section in other user's feeds by accessing Instagram from a desktop or mobile web browser. But if at times, you've to hand it to your colleagues, your search patterns can reveal a lot about you. In terms of the latter camp, there doesn’t appear to be much they can do about it right now, as there is currently no option to turn the feature off. Check it out! Simply making your account private will not do this automatically. Have you ever heard of this? Les utilisateurs d'Instagram ne manqueront pas de contenus. It works for “suggested”but not for recent. So, you may have to do this activity regularly, depending on how much you search on Instagram. We’ve covered the method for both so you can use the one you need. What Is Instagram and Why Should You Be Using It? Yes, and that includes your Instagram searches too. From now on, whenever you need to add an Instagram picture to a Collection, just tap on the Bookmark icon and choose Save to Collection. Her work has appeared on Techvibes, SlashGear, Lifehack and others. 3. We will be sharing step-by-step practical guides and how-to articles on how you can succeed in today’s marketing landscape, allowing you to market in the year you’re living in, and dominate your industry.