En avril 2017, aux Etats-Unis, la Federal Trade Commission (FTC) a rappelé à l’ordre plus de 90 influenceurs Instagram et annonceurs pour ne pas avoir mentionné que leurs posts sur les médias sociaux avaient été sponsorisés. Instagram’s Explore page gives influencer exposure to people that may not be following them and has a sort of viral status if you make there. Here are my initial thoughts on how that might look: [# of posts, payment terms, timeline, etc.]. Notable achievements in the field or why it makes you an expert (if any), Important data such as figures (# of followers, average engagement rate), Your pitch and why you would be a good fit for the brand, ], which seems like a good match for the audience your brand targets with marketing. Recevez chaque matin un retour vers le futur du numérique par Siècle Digital, © 2020 Siècle Digital est une marque déposée par SHINE MEDIA SAS. Don’t be that person—provide value and answer the “What’s in it for me?” in your pitch letter. Attentions, quelques règles sont à respecter pour optimiser votre story sponsorisée : choisissez une image ou vidéo de bonne qualité, en format 9:16. However, the reality is that for every person making 5 to 7 figures on Instagram, there are hundreds of thousands of people struggling to make even a dollar. Les hashtags et le géotag que vous pouvez ajouter sur votre story vous apporte également plus de visibilité. Creating content and following the general rules of Instagram can boost your chances of securing this massive exposure opportunity. Finally, when pitching brands and negotiating on pricing, don’t default to thinking in terms of one-time sponsored posts, which may be seen as spammy in bulk by your followers. As a result, brands like working with influencers, because they make it easier for the, If you want to crack the code for how to get sponsored on Instagram, start by thoroughly defining your personal brand—what it is, and what it is. That said, don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of content, like different types of images, videos, Instagram carousels/gallery posts, and stories. It’s helpful to add a press page to your blog/website so that they know you’re interested in partnerships if they decide to look into your Instagram page. Les stories. En rentrant seulement le pseudo utilisé sur Instagram, le générateur calcule très rapidement la valeur d’une publication en indiquant une tranche tarifaire. Finalement, la loi Sapin, qui touche à la transparence des publicités sur les médias traditionnels, a été étendue par un décret ajoutant la publicité digitale, qui prendra place le 1er janvier 2018. You truly can’t claim to know if you can deliver if this is your first time collaborating with a brand. Rappel à l’ordre pour les influenceurs sur Instagram : des posts sponsorisés sous contrôle. Découvrez comment utiliser Instagram pour toucher de nouveaux clients, développer votre audience et interagir avec les clients existants. Some influencers break into several categories (ex/ lifestyle influencers can venture into travel, food, fashion, etc). Les stories peuvent être une opportunité pour partager un contenu différent de la ligne éditoriale de la galerie, et rappellent aussi la spontanéité des débuts d’Instagram. Clément Cosnier The idea is that an influential Instagram account focuses on one thing, and does a really good job of doing this. When followers notice your continued partnership with a brand, it may help to increase purchase intent. Les Stories organiques et sponsorisées permettent de multiplier les moyens pour vous rendre visible sur Instagram. My name is [name] and I run the Instagram account [hyperlinked @name]. By following these tips, you’ll become a paid Instagram influencer in no time. This allows users interested in a place to see what other people have posted about it. Step 1. Tap . 1 publication, 2 stories Instagram sur une semaine ? As a bonus, posting consistently, combined with many of the other tactics on this guide for how to get sponsored on Instagram, will set you well on your way to securing a coveted feature on Instagram’s explore page.