*The password recovery instructions will be sent to your e-mail. Nas Peregrinações Aniversárias, de Maio a Outubro, as celebrações realizadas no Recinto de Oração do Santuário de Fátima, na noite do dia 12 e na manhã do dia 13, são também transmitidas em direto via Internet. Durch die weitere Nutzung der Webseite stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Kardinal sendet Botschaft an alle Pilger, in welcher er ankündet, dass die Mai-Wallfahrt ohne die übliche Pilgermenge gefeiert werden wird. ... Datenschutzrichtlinie Santuário de Fátima. Mai sollen zuhause, in einer Umgebung des Gebets erlebt werden. The stained glass windows and the paintings that adorn the church are by João de Sousa Araújo; they date from 1967 and represent scenes alluding to the life of Our Lady, the Apparitions and the Message of Fatima. On the right side of the transept, the Gospel, is the tomb of Francisco, who died in 1919. Die Verwendung der in dieser Mediengalerie zur Verfügung gestellten Inhalte (u.a. To learn more, see the Terms of Use and Personal Data Processing. Pendant les pèlerinages anniversaires de mai à octobre, les célébrations sur l’Esplanade de Prière du Sanctuaire de la soirée du 12 et la matinée du 13 sont retransmises en direct. À 5ª feira, procissão do Santíssimo. Live streaming of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima (Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima), commonly known as Sanctuary of Fátima (Santuário de Fátima), a Catholic religious complex, located in Fátima (Cova da Iria), Portugal. This sanctuary has a special significance for Portuguese Catholics, due to the apparitions of the Virgin Mary to three children (Lúcia, Jacinta and Francisco), on 13 May 1917. Der automatisch erzeugte Ausdruck gilt als Zahlungsnachweis.Bitte bewahren Sie ihn auf. Hier neuen Captcha-Code erzeugen. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies, um Ihnen ein angenehmeres Surfen zu ermöglichen. Oktober. Inside, there are 14 lateral altars dedicated to the mysteries of the Rosary. 'OuTonalidades' is back! 2013 Turismo de Portugal. One of the largest Marian centres in the world.This Marian centre of pilgrimage evokes the apparitions of Our Lady to the three little shepherds Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, which took place in 1917 and were recognized in 1930. Please consider disabling your ad blocker, we depend on ads to continue developing this project.You can support us for free by allowing ads. Bilder; Video- bzw. Terms of Use and Personal Data Processing. (Überprüfen Sie bitte auch Ihren Spam-Ordner.). See your selected contents and create your own Plan or Brochure, Enter your e-mail address and you will receive a message from Visitportugal. Fügen Sie hier den Verifizierungscode ein. Ich stimme den Bedingungen zu . Ein Mantel des Lichtes, das die Welt von Fatima aus durchläuft. Nicht lesbar? On the left side, the Epistle, is the tomb of Jacinta, who died in 1920; next to her is the tomb of Sister Lucy, who died in 2005. É necessário seleccionar um ponto de partida. If you not change browser settings, you agree to it. 25 °C/15°C. The first stone was blessed on May 13, 1928 and the church dedicated on October 7, 1953. Diese Seite arbeitet mit aktiviertem JavaScript besser. Those in the main chapel, representing the Evangelists, the Apparition of the Angel and scenes of Pilgrimage, were created by the Madrid company Maumejean and Sons. Fátima é um município de pouco mais de 11 mil habitantes e fica na região central de Portugal.Está situado a uma distância de 125km de Lisboa e a 195 km da cidade do Porto; sendo um dos destinos mais procurados na Europa.. Em princípio, há três opções de como chegar ao Santuário de Fátima.As duas primeiras são ir de carro ou de ônibus. The spot was a rural property called Cova da Iria, and it belonged to the parents of Lucia, who donated it to the Shrine. Do you have any question? Ihr derzeitiger Internetbrowser ist veraltet. Live streaming of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fátima (Santuário de Nossa Senhora de Fátima), commonly known as Sanctuary of Fátima (Santuário de Fátima), a Catholic religious complex, located in Fátima (Cova da Iria), Portugal.