Love the pics!! One drive along the Algarve Coast and it’s easy to see why this is now a top Portugal road trip! You might chance a calm day, but the best time to go to the caves is in the summer when the water is calm so the boats can go right inside. Sonja is from New Zealand but now lives in Scotland with her husband and little boy, after having lived in 5 other countries along the way including the USA, Australia, Canada, and Spain. We would be flying in from eastern Europe, so I guess it depends on whether it’s cheaper to fly to Faro or Porto to figure out our staring point. 3 jours sont un peu courts pour découvrir toute la région sans speeder. Other questions still apply. Bonjour et merci pour tous vos articles sur le Portugal, vraiment top !! click here for other highly rated hotel options in Porto! L’ALSACE HORS DES SENTIERS BATTUS — DÉCOUVERTE DE STRASBOURG ET SES ALENTOURS, 3 JOURS DANS LE TARN À LA DÉCOUVERTE D’ALBI ET DE SES CITÉS MÉDIÉVALES, QUE FAIRE DANS LA MANCHE ? She shares her living abroad experiences and best tips to make your travel experiences the best they can be! Some roundabouts were stressful but luckily most were not crowded so it was not too bad. Benagil est un autre point d’intérêt du sentier des 7 vallées suspendues. You could fly into Porto and fly home from Faro in the Algarve or vice versa. Make sure you explore the entire stretch of the Algarve to the most westerly point in Cape St. Vincent. What direction would you recommend driving? Pour rejoindre l’Algarve depuis le sud de l'Espagne, vous serez amené à prendre l’autoroute A22 qui traverse la région d’est en ouest. Attention, les tarifs varient fortement entre basse, moyenne et haute saison. Looking back, it was a good introduction to Portugal but was definitely not enough time. Although they do have public transportation, it will take longer and does make some places harder to reach. many. Nous étions impatients et très curieux de découvrir l’Algarve et Tavira ne nous a pas déçus ! Nous vous proposons dans cet article notre itinéraire lors des 3 jours en Algarve au Portugal et quelques informations à prendre en compte pour profiter pleinement de votre séjour. Click here to see highly rated hotels in the heart of Lisbon! (Check out this guide to help you decide between Lisbon or Porto). On arrive rapidement sur cette crique séparée en deux par un tunnel creusé dans la falaise. Posted on mai 15, 2019 novembre 6, 2020. Road trip en Algarve en fourgon aménagé : les avantages. You’re welcome. Merci ! Nous avons croisé beaucoup de vans de location lors de notre séjour. We picked up the rental car at the airport so that on the way back we could drop off the car and be ready for our flight home. Road trip en Algarve : Découverte de la côte sud The absolute best way to travel around Portugal in 10 days, a relatively short amount of time, is to hire a rental car – this way, you aren’t limited by train and bus schedules and can go where you want, when you want. I really would have liked to see more of the sights in Sintra like, The Douro Valley is the most famous wine region in Portugal and from the photos, I have seen, it is just stunning. Travelling has always been her passion and she has now made it her full-time job and worked in the industry for the last five years. We saw a beautiful restaurant on the beach with floor to ceiling windows. Read more about me and Yoga, Wine & Travel here. Pour des vols directs, c’est à 2h30 de Paris. We picked up the car after we visited Lisbon and Sintra. Porto really has some impressive buildings. La forme de l’Algarve est plutôt inhabituelle : la région se présente comme un rectangle aplati de 150 kilomètres de longueur entre la frontière espagnole et le cap Saint-Vicent (cabo de São Vicente), ouvert plein sud sur l’océan Atlantique en “regardant” vers le Maroc, et d’une cinquantaine de kilomètres de large à peine. Il semble que depuis deux ans, la police locale soit de plus en plus vigilante à ce sujet, y compris pour la pratique du bivouac. Yum. I use a comparison website like Rentalcars to see what all my options are. Coimbra is an hour from Porto or 2 hours from Lisbon, and is a riverfront city that is home to a medieval historic centre and one of the oldest universities in Europe. Souvenir de folie de revenir fiancés d’Australie haha. I don’t think there is anything that I would have skipped (well maybe the restaurant in Nazare) on our trip though, so I think the only option would have been to add a few more days. Get a printable version of our Portugal itinerary to help you plan your road trip. We picked up the rental car at the airport so that on the way back we could drop off the car and be ready for our flight home. On a donc loué une voiture pour 237€ via Rentalcars (assurance tous risques comprise). It would have been nice to spend, Our first night we went for a dinner and fado show. Hi, would u mind telling me how much is the 1 way car drop off surcharge? Portugal, l’itinéraire parfait pour un road trip de 15 jours 11 février 2018 2 Comments Europe , Portugal , Voyages Il nous tenait à cœur de découvrir le Portugal car ce sont les racines d’Audrey, c’est là où son arrière grand-père est né. There were several other cities that I read about that I would have liked to visit if I would have had more time: If you can only afford 4 days for your trip to Portugal, I would recommend 2 days in Lisbon and 2 days in Sintra. If you are not comfortable driving or don’t want to rent a car, consider taking an organized tour. Then we took the train back to Lisbon for dinner. Honestly, I could have spent a whole week just in this area exploring more of the best places in the Algarve and never been bored. Ce sentier a vraiment été un coup de cœur, car tous les spots sont aussi beaux les uns que les autres. I would have liked to see more of Sintra but seeing three castles made for a pretty full day. Aires de services : Si vous voyagez en van ou en camping-car, sachez qu'il y a peu d'aires de services en Algarve. You could also spend the morning exploring the Algarve fishing villages and beaches before heading back to Lisbon depending on your flight time. C’est grâce à un capteur accroché au sein de votre voiture que vous pourrez prendre l’autoroute et que le paiement puisse se faire automatiquement. If you plan on driving, be sure to get the Via Verde pass as some of the toll roads in Portugal only accept electronic methods of payment. A Portugal Road Trip is on my buckelist: Lisbon, Sintra, Porto, the Algarve and more! Pour avoir eu l’occasion de visiter également l’endroit, je ne peux que partager les conclusions du billet. After taking in the view, we went to Salema, another small town in the Algarve, walked on the beach and had a nice lunch. C’est aussi ici, que vous pourrez faire votre photo souvenir avec les bougainvilliers au-dessus de votre tête avant d’aller à la Praia Grande pour admirer le port de Portimão.Durée : 2 heures, Voilà mon coeur de coeur touristique ! You don’t need a car for Lisbon, Sintra, or Porto. Des amis ont fait toute l’Algarve uniquement avec cette application. Our first night we went for a dinner and fado show. Matin : Le troisième jour de notre road trip au Portugal, nous nous sommes réveillés en Algarve, dans la jolie ville de Tavira.Arrivés de nuit depuis Evora, nous avons dormi avec Gouch’Tav près des marais salants et à notre réveil, le paysage était juste magnifique !. Mais de notre côté on adore conduire et s’arrêter où on veut aussi. The drive back to Lisbon was a little more than two hours, but we wanted to make sure that we made it back in plenty of time for our flight. I should also mention that, if you plan a trip to Portugal, you do not need a car for Lisbon or Sintra.