Comment by Abdulhamid — September 28, 2010 @ 6:58 am 44. ♣ In which situations is polygamy allowed? These are the very good questions, you have covered all type questions in it. Will he want to “check out” your friends and only let you visit those of whom he approves? Quant aux festivités, elles sont laissées à l’appréciation des intéressés pourvu qu’elles ne sortent pas du cadre islamique. Elle consiste plutôt à assouvir les plaisirs charnels de chacun. le cas de l’Egypte où l’imam fait fonction d’agent d’état civil. Ya3nee fee as2eleh momken tkoon mofeedeh akthar men ‘3eerha: mathalan lamma tes2al 3an al GPA (aw mo3addel al tawjeehee) bete3raf eza al bent mohtammeh bederasetha aw shatra bel madraseh la enno al wa7ad beddo awladoh yekono jayyedein. Does he ever forgive those with whom he was angry? I recall you used to say u r ready to get married then, now, i am your age then, but still i don’t see myself ready, there was an incident made me think about this more seriously, i will tell you later. Comment by Naila — June 28, 2011 @ 10:47 am Is there anyone in your family living with you now? ( Log Out /  It’s will be nice if you explain to your dad the reason why you want to wear the niqab. What is your relationship between yourself and the Muslims community in your area? ». guess what, i was searching in google for “islamic questions on marriage” you are the 5th result. 86. They do not care about what is right and what is wrong. But I have one question about marriage in Islam. Hormis l’école hanafiya, les trois autres écoles sunnites considèrent le tuteur comme condition de validité du mariage d’une femme qui, « Celui qui récite une lettre du Livre de Dieu aura une bonne action qui sera décuplée. Comment by WhyIslam — May 11, 2009 @ 8:42 am 98. 23. o eza 3endak as2eleh tanieh bet7eb etzeedha fa oktobha. It totally depends on the behavior of that boy and girl. (Bukhari). De ce fait, c’est un engagement pour toujours, c’est la raison pour laquelle le mariage temporaire a été banni par l’islam sunnite, car il n’est pas fait pour durer. Je vous ai autorisé le mariage temporaire et Allah a Does their approach to Islam differ from yours – will you be the only “fundamentalists” in a family whose Islam is more “traditional”? 50. How does he describe his own spending and attitude towards money? Do you believe in Islamic school for your children? How can we know her permission?" mais "Alef" (A) est une lettre, "Lam" (L) est une lettre et "Mim" (M) en est une autre.» (Tirmidhi). No. Si vous êtes convaincus qu'elles sont de vraies croyantes, Also you have to answer you questions so that your wife-to-be would know your ideas and way of thinking. Then, we should regard the following decrees as rules. After all, she will be the mother of your children (or he’ll be the father of your children). What is your understanding of proper health and nutrition? «Â O vous les hommes, adorez votre seigneur, celui qui vous a crée ainsi que ceux d’avant vous afin de vous prémunir. » s.2 v21. Define mental, verbal, emotional and physical abuse. Do you have any debts now? What is your relationship with your family? this 20 questions are in general and worth reading them still.. Hazrat Khadija possessed the highest degree of nobility, wealth, and repute among the Qurayshi women. -                      Il recommandée que la mariée fasse l’ablution et accomplisse, elle aussi, deux Rak’ats de prière. That is the case of age. 46. To ask, “Is marriage qadar?”means, “Did Allah know in the pre-eternity that those two people would marry?” For, … La nuit de Zafâf est la première nuit d’un couple qui s’est uni par le mariage pour mener une vie conjugale en toute légalité dans le cadre de  la charia. d’unir ou de défaire une union sous la contrainte. Le Coran est un livre de la guidée et tout qui supporte cet objectif (celui de guider les gens) a été mentionné dans ce Livre Sacré. ♣ Can the fiancé meet each other in private? Au moment de l’éclipse de la lune ou du soleil. After marriage, do you think that you want to express affection in public? . La lecture de ce livre constitue un prélude pour réfléchir, pour avoir la foi; et elle est, également, un moyen pour en appliquer et pratiquer la teneur. May Almighty Allah save us from this evil! Do you love to have guests in your home for entertainment? Allah knows best as to their faith. What type of relationship do you want your spouse to have with your friends? keep your blogs short so that we finish it before we get bored , just kidding… with marriage posts, write as much as you want…. What type of relationship should your children have with non-Muslim classmates/friends? Rien n’interdit le mariage entre chiites et sunnites. What is your understanding of proper health and nutrition? 49. Que veut dire le mariage est la moitié de la foi ? Il faut savoir que ce qui nous unit est beaucoup plus important que nos points de divergence 3-     Le mariage dans l’islam, Meshkini. Also, supplication is your best friend at all times and look specifically for the times when supplication is answered (last third of a night). Are you planning to have anyone in your family live with you in the future? First it should be understood that there is no racial and caste differences in Islam. | Reply, assalam allaikum Hilat-ul Motaqine, Allamah Majlissi, pp .70-75. Do you believe in spanking children? Sometimes we talk about marriage and sometimes he told to me that it would be a problem because I am not an Islam. La nuit de Zafâf est la première nuit d’un couple qui s’est uni par le mariage pour mener une juste vie conjugale par voie juste de la charia. s.2 v256 ou autre. Do you want to have children in the first two years of marriage? (Tirmidhi). 37. What is your relationship between you and the Muslim community in your area? » (Boukhari). i like the aspects that you chose. There is no marriage if there is no Mahr. Do you believe in home schooling for your children? The goal here is to marry someone who is truly pure, has morals and has no (haram) un-permitted or suspicious history of relationships. If not, why? 2[2]. Is the destiny (qadar) of man written while he is in the womb? Différemment de ce que pensent beaucoup de personnes, tout musulman majeur si on le sollicite est habilité à célébrer une union islamique, Define mental, verbal, emotional and physical abuse. Al-Mughirah bin Shu'bah (RadhiAllahu Anhu) proposed to a woman, so the Prophet ﷺ said: "Look at her, for indeed that is more likely to make things better between the two of you." Make sure that your wife to be is ‘Wadoud’ which means kind, good hearted, feminine with a big heart. • Wali says, “I offer you my principal (so-and-so) according to Allah’s Law and His Messenger’s Sunnah, and for the mahr and conditions to which we have agreed.”, • Groom says, “I accept marrying your principal (so-and-so) according to Allah’s Law and His Messenger’s Sunnah and for the mahr and conditions to which we have agreed.”. it is a privilege for muslims to look for their future wife and the muslimahs to choose the best for them. How do I approach my dad about marriage? April 23, 2011 at 2:19 pm First I would like to thank you for this useful blog. It is against the moral principles of Islam to ask for the return of anything given to another as a present or a gift. Bilal (RadhiAllahu Anhu) married the sister of Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (RadhiAllahu Anhu) and Zayd (RadhiAllahu Anhu) was married to one of the noble ladies of the tribe of Quraysh and so on.