entre 8 et 10 : Recalé mais vous obtenez le Certificat de fin d'études secondaires. Equivalence should be banned from a translator's vocabulary. OK - can't compete with that, now can I! Then, starting at 12, you get the mention assez bien. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. It goes 2pts by 2pts. -> Interesting - a merit was over 60 % when I were a lass! You don't know my background? Les exemples vous aident à traduire le mot ou l’expression cherchés dans des contextes variés. These terms are also used to refer to these marking bands for baccalauréat results. Peut-être qu’il vous ait arrivé de devoir écrire un CV en anglais et de ne pas savoir traduire les diplômes obtenus ni même les mentions dans certains cas. mention bien - traduction français-anglais. Petit rappel, la mention Assez Bien est donnée à partir de 12, Bien à partir de 14 et Très Bien de 16. There's so much variation in interpretation, not only in responses here, but in sources on the Internet! You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs (Mention Passable = >10<12/20 or Pass Grade; Mention Bien = >14<16/20 or Good; Mention Tres Bien = >16<18/20 or Very Good...), First, Second and Third Class Honours/Honors being widely used in higher education grading. les bases de données et comment on peut interroger une base de données à partir d'une autre. summa cum laude (« avec la plus haute louange »), équivalent à « mention très bien », ou « plus grande distinction ». Anything that does not serve this purpose will get deleted. The UK (excluding Scotland) uses A-E grades (AS and A2)- so no real equivalent there. TCTerms is here for the purpose of finding answers to questions. il a obtenu son bac avec Mention Assez Bien, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentio­n_honorifique. achieved by 27.3%% of those who took the baccalauréat. (or are passionate about them). Enregistez-vous pour voir plus d'exemples. :-). I don't and I did my rhéto in Belgium (some time ago). This whole honours thing is nonsense in this context. Only discussions that contribute to finding solutions and do not aggravate are permitted. Whether it's a question of the Bac or a university degree, the meaning is the same. the expression "quite/fairly good" is used? The same is true in the US. what percentage get that percentage! The bac is taken by 17 to 18 year olds in the final year of Lycée. IMO "average/good" won't work for honors (90th percentile, I think) // OK, AB falls in the top half of the class; see, -> See above// See additional note again..! Now we can get back to work. 2 KudoZ points were awarded for this answer, "Satisfactory" (although good as a literal translation) does not reflect the status of an honor, at least not in the USA, It's the one above "passable" which is "satisfactory", The OED gives the definition of this as "acceptable" (not surprisingly), but this is a pass with merit not just an "OK", That may be what you would say to someone in a chat, but it is unacceptable in a written register. Mention is honors. I will prefer not to translate and explain the meaning in brackets, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baccal­aur%C3%A9at. Higher education means university. You can request verification for native languages by completing a simple application that takes only a couple of minutes. Participation is free and the site has a strict confidentiality policy. Cedentials are not the only things that can't be translated, but some people need a lot of convincing. There should be a parenthetical explanation included with the term. Look, I dunno where you are going with this. Simply. I think Shalini's solution - explanation in brackets is probably the wise course. Signalez des exemples à modifier ou à retirer. Alors pour traduire mention bien en parlant d'une maitrise on devrait dire "cum laude" tout cours? I remember that in the "A" levels, the pass mark was 40%, and 75% far from mediocre // Usual problem: text originates in Cameroon, destined for somewhere else in the world - is that UK, US, AU or other variant of English? I don't know your background. In competitions they may add commended and higly commended to first, second and third place. ItalienKarou - Le Mans24€24€Apprendre la culture et ma langue espagnole... Titulaire d'un BacLittéraire spécialisé en Espagnoln, EnglishKarou - Le Mans24€24€Learn the culture and my Spanish language... Holder of a BacLittéraire specializing in. Ils ne sont ni sélectionnés ni validés par nous et peuvent contenir des mots ou des idées inappropriés. The honours system in France is the same for the bac and for university. 70-75% is mediocre; "assez bien" is not // My context is the USA, where 70-75% is a low GPA. Veillez donc, si vous postulez pour un stage ou une année de spécialisation à donner la liste de tous les cours d'option. It is the same nomenclature. Of all this long discussion, I think this is the most appropriate, especially according to this chart: Avoir le bac, c'est déjà bien, mais si en plus vous décrochez une mention, c'est encore mieux !!! I've got three children in Lycée and it's something we, anglophones, often have to explain to people back "home". with a good pass is not even "educational" parlance, quite frankly. Obtenir une de ces mentions est toujours quelque chose de gratifiant. Colin is simply wrong. You'll note that his list gives NO note at all for 14-16/20 - that's because the correct list would start "10-12/20 - no mention (or mention passable); 12/14/20 assez bien...". work and how queries work between databases. Of course, that's the usual grading at the Baccalaureat & GCE examinations which I have been marking for years. Exemple : Un candidat qui a obtenu une licence avec mention assez bien et qui a une expérience dans l'exercice du droit sera généralement prié de réussir 30 à 45 heures-crédits de cours ou de passer des examens de trois heures sur des sujets précis en droit. Nous allons remédier à cela avec ce petit article qui y est consacré. Diplôme de Licence de Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères Anglais (français, Une combinaison des deux approches est bien sûr possible - en, que des notes élevées (par exemple 14/20). Mention bien: (awarded ) with high honours. Yes, pass with merit or distinction sounds reasonable. If within the body of a communication Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "mention assez bien". A combination of the two approaches is, of course, possible -. Careful! anglais, cv, diplômes, mentions, Vocabulaire. We still need to know the percentile, rather than the percentage, to know what the mark means. Rather than trying to make undue equivalences between the systems. A lot of people get confused about when the bac is taken and using terminology which relates to post grad studies, further confuses the issue.