Monitoring vaccine safety and adverse events following immunization, Monitoring disease burden and immunization coverage, Immunization gaps threaten gains on measles, WHO Western Pacific Region achieves milestone for reducing childhood hepatitis, Singapore wipes out measles; Australia, Brunei Darussalam and Macao SAR (China) eliminate rubella. By continuing to use this website, you accept our, Stay informed, have your say, join the community, Boost your inbox with our editor’s pick of news and information about France for residents and second homeowners, By joining the newsletter, you agree to our. La vaccination est un sujet d'actualité qui soulève des passions. France's Macron vows to fight 'Islamist separatism', Grenfell: 'My mother could have survived' Video, Grenfell: 'My mother could have survived', Capturing outback storms after years of drought. The agent in a vaccine stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the He said the vaccine could be on the market “at the end of this year, beginning of next year”. Les nouvelles lois n'ont donc pas réglé le problème que vit la France depuis de Under existing French law, foreigners can be refused an extension of their residency permits if they are in polygamous marriages, but Ms Schiappa said the new law would also go further, enabling polygamists to be expelled from France. According to France 3 TV news, about 30% of French doctors say they have been asked for such certificates and most of them refuse. Info Vaccins France est une association informant sur les différents problèmes liés à la vaccination. Read more: France poll: 46% would decline Covid vaccination. These included: “Do people who have received the vaccine have more unwanted side effects than those who took the placebo? Qu'est-ce au juste ? What Brexit means for British residents, second homeowners and visitors in France - now and after December 31, 2020. Sauf contre-indication médicale, les vaccinations sont réclamées pour l'entrée en Ils sont soumis au seul DTP (Diphtérie, Tétanos, Poliomyélite). Les vaccins existants en France En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez le dépôt de cookies sur votre terminal et l’utilisation de ceux-ci à des fins de mesure d’audience dans le but d’améliorer votre expérience utilisateur. A UN statement in October 2018 urged governments to ban such tests, but also called for awareness campaigns to educate communities and "challenge myths related to virginity and harmful gender norms that place emphasis on control of women's and girls' sexuality and bodies". -Pourquoi ne peut-on pas connaître la composition exacte des vaccins ? Sur le terrain, nous pouvons ressentir l'évolution de la mentalité française vis-à-vis de la vaccination. But the French abortion advice group ANCIC says stopping "virginity tests" requires broader educational work. ANCIC, a French association providing advice on contraception and abortion, said it supported the government's stand against "virginity tests", but warned that in some cases women were in real danger and "a ban would simply deny the existence of such community practices, without making them disappear". Chris Krebs' reportedly angered Trump by running a website debunking election misinformation. .css-14iz86j-BoldText{font-weight:bold;}The French government plans to introduce jail terms and fines for doctors who provide controversial so-called "virginity certificates" for traditional religious marriages. Marlène Schiappa, French Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship, said the bill - to be presented to parliament in December - should also include punishment for those who demand "virginity tests", such as parents or fiancés. Testing for the Pfizer vaccine is now in stage 3 – the final stage before successful products can be released on the market. Europe 'Must Grit Teeth' on COVID-19 as Vaccine Euphoria Fades PARIS/BERLIN (Reuters) - European officials warned against COVID-19 complacency on Thursday and said measures to control a … VOUS POUVEZ NOUS SUIVRE également sur  Facebook :  La page ou  Le groupe, LETTRE OUVERTE de la part d’associations internationales, Notre précédente ministre de la santé, Mme Marisol Touraine proposait de mettre en place pendant l'année 2016 une grande concertation citoyenne, entachée de Video, Capturing outback storms after years of drought, Trump fires election security official who contradicted him, US troops in Afghanistan: Republicans alarmed by withdrawal plans, Vincent Reffet: French 'Jetman' dies in training accident, Coronavirus: Five signs that show how bad El Paso's outbreak is, US man fails Bond-esque underwater escape from FBI using 'sea scooter', Trump 'asked for options on strike on Iran nuclear site', Chuck Grassley: Senior Republican senator gets coronavirus, Russia moves to protect Putin from prosecution, Covid: Mouthwash 'can kill virus in lab in 30 seconds', Italian runner faces Covid fine after Simone Massetti's fatal fall, Calls for 'virginity repair' surgery to be banned, The fight to ban a 'humiliating' virginity test for newlyweds, Don't stigmatise Muslims says Macron amid veil row. They are done not only on religious grounds, but sometimes in rape investigations or in recruitment to security forces. France lockdown: Are the English exemption forms valid?