The ETIM/TIP occupation of Jisr al-Shughur is marked by “changing demographics” (p. 15) and sectarian violence. 阿依图娜. September 28, 2020. It is the “fourth technical and vocational education and training project that the World Bank has supported in China since 2007.” This loan would be reviewed by the World Bank later on November 11, 2019. State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. Based on the history of Western atrocity propaganda, its funding sources, and the poor quality of the ‘research’ being pushed, we are skeptical that the U.S.—having engaged in two decades of perpetual war in Muslim-majority nations—has any legitimate moral interest or grounds on which to defend Muslim religious rights in Xinjiang. State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. This article quotes from the horse’s mouth the role of the National Endowment for Democracy as the “sugar daddy of overt operations” for State Department anti-communist and regime change agendas. CW: Animal harm. Alexis Graindorge, président de JA de Normandie, abonde : « JA doit être présent aux côtés des EPCI pour élaborer les plans alimentaires territoriaux ». ➤ 2018 December 28-30 – Diplomats from 12 countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Thailand, and Kuwait) visit Xinjiang. “Syria and Chemical Weapons – Secrets and Convenient Lies.” Sputnik. This is presumably the visit on which the later OIC resolution is based. Its report on China raises concerns that “human rights groups and others reported hundreds of thousands of Uighur Muslims… forcibly sent to re-education camps...”. C’est un premier pied dans la restauration scolaire. ➤ 2001 June 15 – In the inaugural meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China identified the “three evils” (the Chinese term 三股势力 is more akin to the “three forces” or “three influences”) of extremism (极端主义), separatism (分裂主义), and terrorism (恐怖主义). Why are western media silent on China’s documentaries on Xinjiang? “Sinophobia Inc: Understanding the Anti-China Industrial Complex.” Qiao Collective. Ayituna is another Uyghur woman living in Xinjiang who mostly vlogs about her everyday life. Since it is unlikely that any one listener’s donation will be decisive in whether NPR has adequate funding to continue to operate, most listeners will not contribute to the costs but instead will free ride and continue to receive the benefits of listening. “Our story - the Kazak nationality.” YouTube video, 3:00. A classic historical text on Central Asia with an emphasis on nomadic empires. This series was made in celebration of 70 years of the People’s Republic of China and focuses on the intangible cultural heritages of China’s 56 nationalities. Xiong, Jack. Nonetheless, an interesting perspective from a scholar who studied the XPCC on behalf of the Central Organization Department of the CPC (Central Compilation and Translation Bureau 中央编译局) during a restive period in Xinjiang’s history. The United States accelerates escalation of tensions with China. Buzkashi is a traditional Central Asian sport that often involves playing polo with a sheep carcass while on horseback. Here she spectates Kazakhs participating in the sport, buzkashi. It is here that Gay McDougall alleged concentration camps, forcing the controversy over the de-radicalization program in general, and the vocational centers in particular, into wide public discourse for the first time. ➤ 2012 October 30 – Chinese officials announce that since May 2012, ETIM/TIP has been participating in the Syrian Civil War, which had started in early 2011. “The Black Hand – ETIM and Terrorism in Xinjiang.” YouTube video, 29:06. Pairing assistance is a common practice in the People’s Republic whereas richer provinces and localities directly send aid, expertise, and cadres to poorer provinces and localities in order to help them develop. State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. To practice law, individuals may be required to join the American Bar Association or a state bar association. ➤ 2019 January 6 – Reuters visit Xinjiang. CGTN. Venue d’Allemagne, la…, Pour Frédéric Bellanger, producteur de viande bovine à La Boursillière à Moutiers-au-Perche (61), le bonheur est dans le pré :…, Dans la nuit de mercredi 21 à jeudi 22 octobre 2020, des fuites sur l’installation froid ont été détectées à l’Abattoir de Saint-…, 80% de la production mondiale de fibre de lin teillé est d’origine européenne et la France en est le leader mondial. ➤ 2018 May 29 – The United States Department of State, Office of International Religious Freedom releases the 2017 Report on International Religious Freedom. Pour Blandine Graindorge, productrice à Tanques avec un atelier de transformation à la ferme, « ce qui pêche c’est la méconnaissance des deux côtés ». « Avec la loi Egalim, la restauration collective devra intégrer 50 % de produits de proximité à compter du 1er janvier 2022. (Guangming), “Fascinating China EP43: Delicacy of the Russian Ethnic Group.” YouTube video, 2:47. September 29, 2020. He additionally remains the Deputy Party Secretary of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a position he has held since December 2014, and Secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a position he has held since December 2013. If nothing else, the context and evidence provided in this timeline should make clear that spurious claims based on weak evidence have been wielded unilaterally by the U.S. and its allies to spurn China despite broad international approval for Chinese policy in Xinjiang. For example, some organizations may require membership in order to participate in a profession. - Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Speech at Ron Paul Institute Media & War Conference, Animal husbandry helping to drive up incomes, China's Xinjiang generates 260 bln kWh clean electricity, E-commerce development boosts farm produce sales, Xinjiang scores victories in the war on poverty, Localized factories lift Xinjiang locals out of poverty, Xinjiang’s millennial entrepreneurs make the most of the Internet age, Trans-regional job offers help Xinjiang farmers shake off poverty, Villagers get access to clean water as projects continue, Wellness of people in remote areas safeguarded, China highlights support to Xinjiang through pairing assistance. Sun, Feiyang. July 21, 2010. July 6, 2014. These sources also highlight official Chinese perspectives on how to resolve the problem as peacefully as possible. Indeed despite the nearly 1,000 visits by outside observers and 200 million tourists to Xinjiang in 2019, no convincing photo or video evidence has emerged of supposed genocide in Xinjiang, much less the complete absence of any recent refugee crisis originating from Xinjiang. September 28, 2020. “Over 40 years of friendship between Han and Uygur family.” YouTube video, 11:37. December 26, 2018. September 29, 2020. Yang, Yi. Voices from the Frontline: China’s War on Poverty. “The Propaganda Multiplier.” Swiss Policy Research. May 7, 2018. (Guangming), “Fascinating China EP17: Manchu Embroidery, Vivid Record of Life.” YouTube video, 2:57. ➤ 2015 July – Thailand repatriates 109 Chinese nationals allegedly en route to Turkey to join terrorist groups in Syria. ➤ 2018 August 10 – Meeting of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China. ➤ 1989 June 4 – The Tiananmen June 4th Incident, born of contradictions from market reform, inflamed by Gorbachev’s perestroika, and combined with the dissolution of the Soviet Union and its fall on December 26, 1991, sparks a generational crisis in China. Indian Punchline is a blog run by M.K. CGTN. July 9, 2017. Ron Paul Liberty Report. “新疆零下20°怎麼出門?維吾爾美女有妙招,你覺得這樣有效果嗎?” YouTube video, 3:55. The XPCC as a sort of “government within a government” plays an important if little understood role in Xinjiang. Interest groups often have to contend with disincentives to participate, particularly when individuals realize their participation is not critical to a group’s success. Near the end of the article, Dr. Sidick decides to liberally tamper with the statistics to prove his own foregone conclusions.