As children we learn to speak in codes like Pig Latin because we want to tell secrets out loud. It’s kind of hectic to literally verlaniser every French word in a sentence (though there are people who do it). FluentU lets you learn French from real-world content like music videos, commercials, news broadcasts, cartoons and inspiring talks. With the work you’ve been putting into simply learning original French language and grammar, to even think of picking up any form of French slang or argot can seem millions of light years away. But bear with me please! Normally, there are only certain words within a sentence that are verlanisés. Others try to even verlaniser a word that’s already been verlanisé (this is known as veul), which is the double verlan of the word verlan, making it even more cryptic—but let’s not carried away. ( Déconnexion /  These next three verlan words on the list are going to apply the same rule as the one found in femme. T’es génial, cimer ! As French learners, you can learn French’s verlan—which is kind of like your childhood spoken codes but at a higher level—to understand and talk like natives. Your tremendous support helps FrenchCrazy provide access to French learners across the globe. Il existe plusieurs niveaux de langue en français : souvent, quand on a appris le français à l’école et qu’on arrive en France on ne comprend plus rien à ce que les gens disent dans la rue ! French is a language that’s all about sound! Vous êtes fou! Words nowadays are also becoming doubly “verlanized” because the previous words have become too “mainstream”. Let’s not forget that French is a language that’s all about sound! Now that I’ve let you in on a little secret, chime in and try to detect verlan among young, cool, hip French speakers. Knowing your syllables, consonants, keeping an attentive ear to sound and knowing your basic French vocabulary, of course. So I saved the best for last, because this French word might describe to how you feel right now, a little vénère aka énervé? Changer ). the list goes on…. Well, you can! Ouf sounds more like fou backwards [foo – oof] than (uof) would. Your comment is spot on, French does use a bunch for abbreviations and the link you provided was useful. Ici, un petit exercices pour voir la différence entre français soutenu, courant et standard). French Slang 101. So if you’re already a master of original French vocabulary and grammar, then verlan sera du gâteau ! Attention, il y a des “keufs” dans la banlieue.. B gets moved to the back, and R gets dropped: ouchéb-, L is added to the front of the word: louchéb-, -éme suffix is added, but the last E is dropped: louchébem. Verlan, which is actually the French word à l’envers backwards or “reversed” (that’s what it translates to), is a form of Pig Latin that French speakers use in everyday talk; way, way more than an English speaker would ever use Pig Latin in their entire life. Truc translates to “thing” in French, and it stands for literally any, old thing. Again, the “M” or letter without a vowel stands alone in the break-up reversal. There goes that “U” again! Slang is when speakers feel at ease, comfortable and colloquial. If they are, try to casually throw it in there, they might think it’s cute. This one might look tricky because it’s a short word with two vowels next to each other. (Some of the examples were provided by the RedditFrench Community! We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. I know I’ve said this a million times, but this is the last, I promise: The same aforementioned rule applies! You’ll also be surprised to know that verlan has even made it into French dictionaries for its popular use! Another example is feuk which derives from the verlan word keuf which means flic (original slang word for police). (You’re awesome, thank you!). It uses your viewed videos and mastered language lessons to recommend more useful videos and give you a 100% personalized experience. It’s worth learning how natives actually express themselves, after all! Pour mieux comprendre, une vidéo sur le français familier : C’est l’ensemble des mots particuliers qu’adopte un groupe social vivant replié sur lui-même et qui veut se distinguer et/ou se protéger du reste de la société (certains corps de métiers, grandes écoles, prisons, monde de la pègre, etc.). ), Émission de radio sur les ateliers de français de la MDH Centre-Ville. Blog avec vidéos et exercices ici. ( Déconnexion /  Good luck detectives. Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Google. It’s considered a language game that involves breaking up original French words at their syllables and consonants and reversing them. Fêtons 2018 -les Asl ont un incroyable talent. It’s crazy! I typically don’t publish comments which make reference to another website. by John Elkhoury | Learning French | 7 comments. renoi = noir, • The inversion of syllables (the only step found in every verlanized word) Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Facebook. Here’s an example of how boucher becomes louchébem. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. “Une keuf meuf, ou se faire poucave par son propre reuf.” (A female cop, who got snitched out by her own brother). As I mentioned before, verlan is famously used within French hip hop and rap. Trust me, they all are. There are rules to follow though, like every language; and like all language rules, some can be overruled. M–oi becomes oi–m. C’était un truc de ouf ! Oim sounds more like moi backwards than iom would. vegra = grave If you’re having trouble figuring out which words to “hide” during normal French speech, think about the word within the sentence that you want to be kept secret, that’s usually your best bet. Keuf is verlan for “cop” or “police,” the envers of flic (which is argot for police). Because similar to ouf and cimer, teuf is an extremely favored verlan word. Tap on any word to see a definition, in-context usage examples, audio pronunciation, helpful images and more. Et vous, c’est pareil dans votre(vos) langue(s)? Now we get to the cool stuff. The book comes with plenty of audio, so you can learn to recognize slang and informal speech when you hear it in conversation. Listen to music, google words and simply ask French people what certain words mean when you don’t quite understand them. Merci. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. There are three types of commonly practiced slang in French: louchébem, argot and verlan aka verlan à l’envers. Vénère is the verlan of énervé, which is French for “angry” or “mad.” If you don’t feel either of these, would you say a tad bit frustrated?