Application can only be done online on our application website.When ? After the DN MADE, that confers a state recognized undergraduate degree, it is possible to opt for further studies or to enter the world of work. If you are not in possession of such a certificate, you may take an oral assessment by telephone or Skype with a professor from L’École de design. Linkedin, 110 boulevard des Belges | 44300 Nantes Copyright © L'agence-N 2017 Mentions légales. Continuing your studies at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique. Continuing your studies at L’École de design. The completion of this 3rd year program leads to the obtention of DN MADE, Major in Space Design, Residential architecture and retail specialty, with a Minor Object. Cartographies. prépa design / manaa. Did you know you can compare them side-by-side in our Compare-tool? Facebook // 10/21/2020. Pune Ce parcours DN MADE propose une spécialisation dans la conception d’espaces dans tous les domaines : public ou privé, collectifs ou individuels, pérennes ou événementiels. However, admission will only take effect once the degree is obtained or the credits have been validated.Once accepted, students remain eligible for registration for one year. More information about the DN MADE Industrial Products can be found in the International Experience brochure 2021! Check the scholarships to see whether you are eligible to apply. Studyportals Tip: Students can search online for independent or external scholarships that can help fund their studies. Stand d'exposition Intergeo 2016. Our new international students have arrived! Shanghai DNMADE – Diplôme National des Métiers d’Arts & du Design – ESPACE; DSAA DESIGN – Diplôme Supérieur d’Arts Appliqués mention ESPACE; GRETA-CFA; Orientation. You may apply for the DN MADE 3r year / International Class, if you have completed a minimum of 2 years of undergraduate studies or validated 120 ECTS in Interaction design, UX/UI Design or Multimedia. Panoramiques Jour/Nuit. They provide a project whose theme and methodology is specific to the school they come from. Head of undergraduate studiesNathalie Templier. design graphique, manaa. Hélicéo - Geomatic & innovation technology . L’École de design Nantes Atlantique is one of the few design school(s) to have obtained certification from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research for its Master’s degree in design. A la rentrée 2018, suite à la réforme des BTS arts appliqués et leur transformation en DNMADE (Diplôme National des Métiers d’Art & du Design) dans les écoles publiques, un programme de mastère en architecture d'intérieur et design est proposé aux étudiants en remplacement du programme de BTS. Design d'Espace L'aménagement d'espaces agréables à vivre une reflexion sur le lieu. Selection of applicants is done based on their registration form, application file, portfolio and interview. Once you have filled out your personal data, you will be required to pay a non-refundable inscription fee of 50€ to cover the administrative costs of your admission process. Therefore a basic command of this language is recommended. You can provide any certificate of French language you may already have or you can indicate your current level of French using the CEFR self assessment gridHowever, students wishing to continue their studies at the master’s level in one of the programs taught in French will need a good command of both spoken and written French. This programme may require students to demonstrate proficiency in English. Language requirementsEnglishAll classes and workshops are conducted in English. Workshops are organized in Nantes, with international teachers from partner schools. Créer en 2014, L'agence-N est un studio de création basé à Nantes. agence ha scenograophie et design d'espace, votre entreprise artisanale à Guérande DN MADE Espace / Spécialité Architecture de l’habitat et aménagement commercial. Its purpose is also to welcome students from our partner schools for an academic exchange semester. How ? Lycée Enseignt General Et Technologique – Nantes. Apply for the Studyportals Scholarship and win up to €10000 to cover your tuition fees. Always verify the dates on the programme website. Application for the academic year 2021-2022 are open from November 2, 2020 to June 30, 2021 and are organized in 7 sessions.How much does it cost ? Application can only be done online on our application website.When ? The DN MADE Retail and Interior Design course offered by L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique is specifically tailored for students with an academic background in space design, interior design or scenography. Recherches typographiques. If you are not in possession of such a certificate, you may take an oral assessment by telephone or Skype with a professor from L’École de design. Lycée Livet 16 rue Dufour 44042 Nantes cedex 1, CDI Centre de documentation et d’information, Création comptes e-lyco élèves-parents – mode d’emploi, La classe de seconde générale et technologique, Bac 2021 : les enseignements de spécialité en classe de 1ère à la rentrée 2020, BTS Métiers du Géomètre-Topographe et de la Modélisation Numérique, DNMADE – Diplôme National des Métiers d’Arts & du Design – ESPACE, DSAA DESIGN – Diplôme Supérieur d’Arts Appliqués mention ESPACE, Aumônerie de l’Enseignement Public – Lycée LIVET, Enseignement optionnel Création et Culture Design (STD2A), Classe Préparatoire ATS – Devenez ingénieur après un BTS ou un DUT, Classes Préparatoires PTSI, PT et PT- – Devenez ingénieur après un Bac S (toutes options), Une formation, un métier – découvrez l’offre du GRETA-CFA Loire-Atlantique, Formation Supérieure en Design Espace D S A A, Le Développement Durable au Lycée Livet, AS – Association Sportive affiliée U.N.S.S (Union National du Sport Scolaire), Fédérations des Conseils de Parents d’Éleves. Try it out, You’ve wishlisted multiple studies. Head of undergraduate studiesNathalie Templier. Les inscriptions se font alors directement sur notre site. The DN MADE Retail and Interior Design course offered by L'École de Design Nantes Atlantique  is specifically tailored for students with an academic background in space design, interior design or scenography. On the 28th September and 5th October 2020, 43 … Nous vous accompagnons dans la création ... | 110 boulevard des Belges | 44300 Nantes | The DN MADE Retail and Interior Design courses are organized in two semesters. LanguageAll classes and workshops are conducted in English. Five good reasons to come and study design in Nantes! This payment is only possible by credit card or Paypal and is fully secured. prépa design / manaa. La page que vous avez demandé n’a pas été trouvée. Students having successfully completed this undergraduate program may continue their studies at a postgraduate level in one of our MDes programs. Therefore a basic command of this language is recommended.If you are not a native English speaker, we ask that you provide proof of your English proficiency (minimum 600 points at the TOEIC test or equivalent). However, admission will only take effect once the degree is obtained or the credits have been validated. One-year in an international class to validate the DN MADE, National Diploma in Fine Arts, Crafts and Design, a state recognized undergraduate degree. Micro-projects lead students to discover the different phases of a design project and allow them to acquire methodological tools and technical and creative know-how. Orientation après la seconde diaporama; Développement Durable label E3D; L’ouverture à l’international; Espace entreprise – stages; Le Campus des Bâtisseurs; Connexion ; Aucun résultat n’a été trouvé. Many scholarships are either merit-based or needs-based. Why come to France, and more specifically Nantes, to study design?