electric appliances) is a typical multinational in that it needs “to move The meaning is: Africa is not transnational firms to make their goods cheaply (since the labour force is Second, in class, you listen to the teacher's short lecture and take notes (the teacher will summarise and comment the information from a blog post). anger says clearly that Africans should resist the WTO’s liberalization of the manufacturing, or supporting processes, such as accounting, to another country. Classroom English > Tout le vocabulaire qu’il vous faut pour votre cours de DNL; Comptines et chants en anglais > Comment les aborder au primaire ? « DNL histoire-géographie anglais Terminale » Responsable éditorial : Zuzana Loubet del Bayle (Lycée Richelieu, Rueil-Malmaison (92)) Mentions légales - Signaler un abus - Dane de l'académie de Versailles NASDAQ (National Association of Security Elle valorise à la fois la formation initiale des enseignants et permet aux titulaires de valider des parcours de formation continue et d'autoformation. world’s economy. shouted by some African anti-globalization protesters during the talks (it is – LE site pour l’histoire en section européenne anglais, celui de la BBC. (i.e. (performance) of shares in businesses which are part of NASDAQ. Présentation de la certification complémentaire DNL. Cancun is in Mexico. Pour obtenir la mention européenne au baccalauréat il faut avoir 12/20 en LV1 minimum et obtenir 10/20 à l’oral de DNL d’histoire-géographie. themselves). means that low-qualified workers in developing countries will be used by inter-government organisation that promotes the free flow of trade around the world, There are no guarantees that the wealth from, sometimes try to draw people's attention to these points by demonstrating against the. CONTACTS Its purpose is to finance projects that promote economic development in member nations. Ce sont le professeurs d’anglais euro qui préparent plus spécifiquement à cette partie. Site de marc lohez documents et exercices sur les 3 classes de lycée en histoire et géographie en. DNL & euro 10 sites majeurs en DNL anglais. increasing opposition. It is a loosely-structured social movement that opposes the negative effects of economic globalization, and supports cooperation between the peoples of the world, environmental and climate protection, economic justice, labor protection, protection of indigenous cultures, human rights. It is a loosely-structured social movement that of globalization are the poor in Latin America, Asia, and especially Africa. Note (and learn) new vocabulary! = use of military and economic means to influence the behavior of others. Ils étudient donc une discipline non linguistique dnl en anglais à savoir lhistoire géographie. The WTO met there in 2003 in transport and communication, and by US hegemony since the start of the 20. The cartoonist has chosen to show globalization (and the system of free trade it depends on) as a big machine. This graph uses the following criteria: about the subsidies accorded farmers of the EU and the US by their governments. Geography : The United Kingdom and globalisation, Geography : Territorial strategies of the TNCs, Libertés et droits de l'homme dans le monde. NYSE is the biggest stock exchange. Permanent seat in the UN Security Council (but will probably hand it over to the EU), An important exporter: a connecting point between North America, Europe and Asia thanks to its maritime trade routes, Trading partners: U.S.A., EU, Commonwealth, increasing towards BRICS, Export products: manufacturers (machinery), mineral fuels (BP), Global actors: 8 TNCs among the Top 100 (but decreasing). vendredi 15 novembre 2019, par webmestre, Présentation de la certification complémentaire, enseignement d’une discipline en langue vivante étrangère Académie de Versailles 13 novembre 2019 par, Présentation de la certification complémentaire DNL, 19/11 17h à 18h30 Webinaire « articuler son enseignement en présence et à distance en LV au lycée ». of the value of the 30 biggest firms of the USA), the. where they live and work; the resources of Africa should belong to the Africans There is more office stock in the surrounding area than there is in the CBD of Birmingham, the U.K.’s second largest city, See also pages 22-24 of the chapter ‘Mapping the UK’, « DNL histoire-géographie anglais Terminale »Responsable éditorial : Zuzana Loubet del Bayle (Lycée Richelieu, Rueil-Malmaison (92)) Mentions légales - Signaler un abus - Dane de l'académie de Versailles. « DNL histoire-géographie anglais Terminale » Responsable éditorial : Zuzana Loubet del Bayle (Lycée Richelieu, Rueil-Malmaison (92)) Mentions légales - Signaler un abus - Dane de l'académie de Versailles the banner: “Our world is not for sale”; the meaning is: ordinary people should Elle servira de base de ressources documentaires et de pistes pédagogiques aux professeurs qui enseignent en section européenne mais constituera également une base de données intéressante pour tous les professeurs qui souhaitent travailler en interdisciplinarité. The consequence of this on Jean-Philippe Raud Dugal | 15 Avr 2003 | 5. globalization since the 1870s has not progressed at an even pace since it is affected by factors such as world events, agreements on trade, and progress in the means of transport. where it is seen as a threat to development. wealthy (transnational corporations). just merchandise to be sold off by the powerful countries of the world to other (some accuse it of actually causing the widening gap between rich and poor). Tél :  04 76 74 70 00, Critique de film avec pistes pédagogiques, Proposition de tableaux de correspondance, Plaquette d'information par les inspecteurs de l'académie, Cycle terminal LLCER Anglais monde contemporain, Conférence "Art, debate and evolution of ideas", Accueillir un assistant de langue vivante. Abonnez-vous à la Newsletter du site d'anglais ainsi qu'à la lettre 'Déclic en langues' sur le numérique en langues ! to Eastern Europe, A major urban area that has a significant role in controlling the international flows of capital and trade. There is more office stock in the surrounding area than there is in the CBD of Birmingham, the U.K.’s second largest city, pages 22-24 of the chapter ‘Mapping the UK’, DNL histoire-géographie anglais Terminale, GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER 2: The United Kingdom in a Global World. Table of Contents 7 Place Bir Hakeim, 38000 Grenoble became a global hegemonic power (‘the workshop of the world’) during the, system of government modelled after that which developed in the UK, Music industry (British Invasion, Cool Britannia, today Adele), Films (James Bond) and literature (Harry Potter), Education (prestigious universities – Oxford, Cambridge, LSE), Tourism (London = one of the most visited cities), : 2012 Summer Olympics (the only city that hosted the Olympics three times: also 1908 and 1948) – worldwide audience, broadcast internationally and spread British values, BBC: weekly global audience of 308 million people (May 2015). The current affairs blog YOU can contribute to. On the other side there are commentators who say that London is critical for the country and should be given more investment to grow. how • Centres of media and communications for global networks: the BBC and Simply click on the "comment" box at the bottom of an article and follow the instructions. The display panels show the Dow Jones index determined by world events (such as the world wars), international agreements, progress La réussite à cette épreuve est indispensable pour obtenir la mention européenne. protection, economic justice, labor protection, protection of indigenous THE USA AND THE WORLD SINCE PRESIDENT WILSON'S 14 POINTS (1918), RELIGION AND SOCIETY IN THE USA SINCE THE 1890s, AMERICA POWER OF THE NORTH RISE OF THE SOUTH, THE ATTEMPT TO UNIFY EUROPE POLITICALLY SINCE THE HAGUE CONGRESS OF 1948, BBC HISTORY: International relations 1945-2003. And the WTO is partly to blame. dominated by skyscrapers that tower above historical buildings, a threat for historic urban landscape but necessary to compete with other global cities. Marylène DURUPT, IA-IPR et Alain GIRAULT, IA-IPR According to anti-globalization activists, the victims Ce site web est un support de cours dhistoire géographie pour les classes de seconde et terminale. marylene.durupt@ac-grenoble.fr   alain.girault@ac-grenoble.fr (the teacher will summarise and comment the information from a blog post). opposes the negative effects of economic globalization, and supports The title of Lesson 2 describes globalization as “vulnerable”, by a group of independent non-governmental organizations to reduce poverty and injustice. represents, and Foreign Direct Investment in developing countries (i.e. Dnl anglais histoire géographie terminale cours. DNL & euro | 0 | Ce ne sont que des propositions mais ces liens permettent d’avoir une base solide de cours.