I don’t care if it’s a high school diploma, a junior high school diploma, a college diploma, a Master’s degree diploma, or Ph.D. diploma. You have to prove your worth. Instagram is really all about persona. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. Okay, let’s just get that out of the way. Everybody could live with it because there are no fixed rules. Starting with the iPhone and its ability to load apps like Instagram, people voted in a very democratic and well distributed way who they think celebrity should be. Well, this all change with the rise of mobile phones. So if you are not able to produce enough units, if you are not able to move enough files, if you are not able to close enough cases, then there is a problem. There are many jobs out there where a high school diploma or some sort of certificate is good enough. Everybody is happy with that reality. I remember when I first got out of school and had a History degree, I was offered a $35,000 a year job. Your comment has been submitted and will be available once approved by a moderator. Whatever the case may be, there is this creeping sense of entitlement that if things don’t work out, it’s your fault as their employer. This has been true in the past, this is true now, and I strongly suspect that this will continue to be the case long into the future. As long as you know what to do in certain situations and you have enough skills, they will take your service regardless of whether you have a piece of paper saying that you are qualified. On top of all of this, these individuals also have an entitlement mentality. I took it and I am better for it because at least my foot was in the door. Pédagogique : Valérie TOMASZEWSKI - v.tomaszewski@chru-nancy.fr - 03 83 15 47 11 // Administratif : Aurélie ULMER - aurelie.ulmer@univ-lorraine.fr - 03 72 74 60 28 / Loïc TONNELIER - loic.tonnelier@univ-lorraine.fr - 03 72 74 60 38. You’re just another face in the crowd. So, if you are more mindful and methodical regarding the persona you project on social platforms, don’t be surprised if you develop a fairly intense of following which trace its origins in no small part to what you choose to consume. Your report has been submitted and will be considered by a moderator. Sadly, a lot of people who seem like they have IQ’s over 130 can’t seem to get it together. Retrouvez ici le programme des formations, les contacts, la procédure de candidature. Degree programs . Either you know how to do the job after I trained you or you don’t. DIUMUM stands for Diplôme Inter Universitaire de Médecine et d'Urgence en Montagne (French: Inter University Diploma in Emergency and Mountain Medicine). 34 Cours Léopold 54000 Nancy It is all about proving yourself. This means that regardless of how much money you get paid for your first job, take it. Master them, and let me tell you, you will be able to write your own paycheck. Instagram has really enable people from all walks of life regardless of background to become instant celebrities. Your report has been submitted and will be considered by a moderator. Formations Université de Lorraine. If you are the weakest link and you can’t produce enough, well, you’re probably well on your way on your way out because nobody in their right mind would pay $50 for somebody who produces work that when productivity is factored in would only be worth $20. Now, a lot of people may be thinking that this only applies to an industrial or factory setting. Arts, literature and languages; Law, economy and management I don’t know what it is. Sooner or later, videos get released and this really leads to a self-reinforcing organic media process that produces genuine celebrities. It really is some sort of statement regarding your fitness for a particular job. I don’t mean to be judgmental, but this is obviously the case. Unfortunately, a lot of people are under the impression that they have to start at the top.