- Duration: 49:11. The term gun nut refers to firearms enthusiasts who are deeply involved with the gun culture. News about shootings, weapons and the debate about America's gun culture. In popular literature, frontier adventure was most famously told by James Fenimore Cooper, who is credited by Petri Liukkonen with creating the archetype of an 18th-century frontiersman through such novels as The Last of the Mohicans (1826) and The Deerslayer (1840). • CE (recherche d’arguments sur le web) [17] More recently, in 2008, the US Supreme Court affirmed that considerable freedom for individuals to possess firearms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment.[18]. ", "(In Portuguese) Vermont is the safest state in the U.S. and even 16 year olds can carry guns there", "(In Portuguese) US has 23 times more weapons. In the 18 years since Zed Nelson’s seminal photography book Gun Nation was published, 500,000 Americans have been killed by firearms in the US and many more injured. Elle s’inscrit dans l’axe « Rencontre avec d’autres cultures » et permet une réflexion sur la vision américaine des armes à feu, un débat opposant les points de vue suivants : 7 talking about this. But were the people to possess the additional advantages of local governments chosen by themselves, who could collect the national will and direct the national force, and of officers appointed out of the militia, by these governments, and attached both to them and to the militia, it may be affirmed with the greatest assurance, that the throne of every tyranny in Europe would be speedily overturned in spite of the legions which surround it. Vermont, for example, has one of the most, or perhaps the most guns per thousand of population, but it has the lowest crime rate in the United States. But what has to be understood is that the NRA’s strengths comes from the number of people it represents, and that the NRA would not be a powerful organization without the fact that millions of Americans are willing to join, and pay membership fees and support the goals of the NRA, and welcome its representation. The individuals and organization that advocate strong control, believe that gun cause crime. The cowboy archetype of individualist hero was established largely by Owen Wister in stories and novels, most notably The Virginian (1902), following close on the heels of Theodore Roosevelt's The Winning of the West (1889–1895), a history of the early frontier. The gun owners they recognize that guns are used in crimes, and they are in favor or very strong criminal laws, and they are in favor of very strong laws against those who commit crimes, but they do not believe that regulating or even prohibiting the right of individuals to keep and bear arms will have any effect on criminals obtaining firearms and using them to victimize unarmed victims. In his 1970 article "America as a Gun Culture," historian Richard Hofstadter used the phrase "gun culture" to characterize America as having a long-held affection for guns, embracing and celebrating the association of guns and an overall heritage relating to guns. [15] In his 1970 article "America as a Gun Culture,"[16] historian Richard Hofstadter used the phrase "gun culture" to characterize America as having a long-held affection for guns, embracing and celebrating the association of guns and an overall heritage relating to guns.   Rédaction d’un essai « pour » / « contre » (évaluation formative)   Réponse aux questions (fiche) et mise en commun Shouldn't the world intervene? The first American female superstar, Annie Oakley, was a sharpshooter who toured the country starting in 1885, performing in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Article mis en ligne le 5 janvier 2016. Toutes les activités langagières y sont abordées mais la tâche finale est une activité d’expression orale : When people say they are for gun control, it’s often unclear what kinds of criminal or administrative, regulatory, or licensing ideas they have in mind. Réinvestir apports, Objectifs méthodologiques : Editor: Noah Payne Frank Executive producers for the Guardian: Charlie Phillips and Christian Bennett Practically, gun control is difficult to enforce, because… Gun politics in the United States tends to be polarized between advocates of gun rights, often conservative, and those who support stricter gun control, often liberal. Survival depended upon everyone being capable of using a weapon. Do Guns Make Us Free? Elle vise à permettre aux élèves de s’informer de façon fiable sur un thème d’actualité, de se repérer dans les différents médias possibles et de réaliser un débat sur le thème « Gun Control ». N'oubliez pas que l'accès au blog et les conseils sont gratuits! Montage vidéo, Mise en oeuvre :   Visionnage du 2è reportage, Fox New (http://video.foxnews.com/v/4649660382001/lawmakers-christmas-photo-features-heavily-armed-family/) For one thing, if you look at the States in the United States and you look at how the degree to which the population is armed in different states… you find there is no relationship between the level of gun ownership in a State and the crime problem in a State. Producer: Zed Nelson   Vidéo-projection d’une image (calendrier) Well, it is a very… what we would say a “hot button” cultural issue, that is very ideologically charged. I consider myself a gun control skeptic. Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Facebook. Therefore, the armed citizen-soldier carried the responsibility. So this current debate about gun violence ought to consider the fact that gun violence has gone down, and all violence has gone down, in the United States, to an amount that nobody imagined could happen over the last 25 years. The article includes a video of Obama’s speech after the Umpqau Community College shooting, tables and explanations about the problem and a video showing how some American politicians go to extreme lengths to show their support for gun rights: Senator Ted Cruz (republican) cooking bacon with a machine gun (!) EMI & GUN CONTROL in the USA The US Supreme Court, in 2010, ruled that American have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Gun culture and its effects have been at the center of major debates in the US's public sphere for decades. Acquisition du vocabulaire lié à la thématique + connecteurs (first, then, however…), Objectifs culturels : [2], The militia spirit derives from an early American dependence on arms to protect themselves from foreign armies and hostile Native Americans.   Organisation en « pour » / « contre » sur Mindomo : exemples 01 / 02   subjectivité / objectivité But perhaps there is empirical disagreement and different studies showing different things. Gun Nation: A Journey to the Heart of America's Gun Culture, Question d'actualité - La régulation des armes à feu aux États-Unis après la fusillade de Parkland, Radical Brownies documentary: berets, badges and social justice, Questions d'actualité : US Election Day (08/11/2016), Du « style national » à l’ambition universaliste : la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis selon le Gulliver Empêtré de Stanley Hoffmann - Compte-rendu de lecture, Immigration to the United States of America - Glossary, Nouvelle Gauche américaine dans les années soixante : de la radicalisation à la désintégration, http://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/civilisation/domaine-americain/problematiques-contemporaines/gun-nation-a-journey-to-the-heart-of-america-s-gun-culture. Zed Nelson is an award-winning photographer and filmmaker. Justifying the unique attitude toward gun ownership in the United States, James Madison wrote in Federalist No.   point de vue américain / français sur les armes à feu. "Australian Gun Reformer: 'It's Time to Call Out the U.S.A. "American gun use is out of control. Travail sur 5 thèmes propres aux USA : avortement, Affirmative Action, Immigration, Climate Change, US Presidential Election, Objectifs méthodologiques :   ou Padlet : exemples 03 / 04, Objectifs méthodologiques : At the same time, the negative role of the gun in fictionalized modern urban violence has been explored in films like Boyz n the Hood (1991) and Menace 2 Society (1993). Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. … and the law now protects the right to bear arms. 10 MOST VIEWED AUDITIONS OF ALL TIME From Britain's Got Talent! There is no magic bullet, if you can excuse the phrase, that will change American violence, but the good news is that it has been reduced substantially over the last 25 years.