Pressing boring pains, in small spots, in bones, in left temple. Argentum Nitricum ou nitrate d’argent est un remède homéopathique. Sommeil : comment bien dormir en période de confinement ? Ce site respecte les Mouth coated inside whitish grey. Tobacco (boys). Edema of feet. Sensation of a splinter sticking in various parts. Scarlatina. Argentum nitricum has the ability to treat diarrhea, just like other digestive problems. Chilliness. Burning in spot in anterior of rectum (prostate gland). Scrawny, feeble, dried-up-looking women. Ophthalmia neonatorum, pus thick, yellow, profuse and bland (internally, and locally in 2 gr. Chorea-like convulsive motion of all the limbs. It was the use of Argentum nitricum. Violent palpitation of the heart, in afternoon with faintish nausea, caused by any emotional excitement or any sudden muscular exertion, from lying on right side. (it increases the nervous headache). Chancre-like ulcer on prepuce. Stool and Anus. Motion generally worse, but walking in open air better back pains, which are worse sitting. Pain increases and decreases slowly. Staggers on stooping, on shutting eyes. During pregnancy, stomach as if it would burst with wind, head feels expanded. Acidity. exercer vos droits It was the use of Argentum nitricum. Male Sexual Organs. (flatus). Tongue ulcerated. Seek Answers Here, Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Pomelo for Pregnant Woman. Lunar caustic or Argentum nitrium is a mineral that has been taken much attention for many years. Limbs. Sensation of constriction of scalp, as if something tightly drawn over skull. Impulse to throw herself from the window. Repeated the diluting then it turned to the form the homeopathic remedy of Argentum nitricum. After heavy meal, epileptic fit. Most gastric complaints are accompanied by violent belching. Digestive problem like constipation can be cured by argentum nitricum. Or you can also read how to prevent diarrhea. Irregular (intermittent) action of heart (with an unpleasant sensation of fullness), worse when noticing it, better when moving about in open air. Stream of urine spreads asunder. Puerperal convulsions, just after attack lies quiet, but becomes very restless before another. Stinging, ulcerative pain in left side of stomach, worse from touch and deep inspiration. Building castles in the air by day: monstrous visions by night. Awakens at midnight with oppression at stomach, as from a heavy lump, inducing vomiting, in the morning throws up glairy mucus, which can be drawn into strings. Homeopathic experience has proved the applicability of the drug to many cases of epilepsy and the needlessness of employing a dosage that entails any risk whatever. Trembling and throbbing in stomach. Paralyses of motion and sensation, a peculiar numbness accompanied with hyperesthesia. Il possède des propriétés curatives qui le rendent particulièrement actif lorsque l’organisme est confronté à divers types de pathologies. "Fluids go right through him." © 2020 National Center for Homeopathy. Small-pox. Piles with burning or tenesmus, bleeding. White patches in throat. Votre adresse email sera uniquement utilisée par M6 Digital Services pour vous envoyer votre newsletter contenant des Photophobia. Arg-n. was given and the candy stopped and the child soon got well. Worse In warm room, over a fire, in summer, warmth of bed, better by warm drinks. Awful faces appear on shutting eyes. Sweetish-bitter taste. Ulcers: mercurial, syphilitic, and scrofulous. Contact Us. Incontinence night and day. Warts. The sight of high buildings makes him giddy and causes him to stagger, it seems as if houses on both sides of street would approach and crush him. Gnawing pain in the left side of the stomach. Eating or a swallow of wine better head: coffee worse. Headache. Purulent ophthalmia, pus thick yellow and bland, worse in warm room or from fire, better open air. En cas de sensation de piqûres dans la gorge, prendre tous les jours 5 granules d’Heparsulfuris calcareum en 9 CH. Or you can also read health benefits ashitaba leaves. Evening cough worse from tobacco smoke. In poisoning cases complete loss of consciousness, insensibility, and convulsions have occurred. Headache, with chilliness. Nitrate of Silver. Natural History. All symptoms worse before and during menses. Fatigue. ), in higher to the hydrogenoid or sycotic constitution. Websites for nonprofits by Elevation Web. Nightly boring pain in ulna. After yawning, feeling as if stomach would burst, wind presses upwards, but the oesophagus feels spasmodically closed, hence an ineffectual effort to eructate, with excessive strangulation, pressing pain in stomach, faintish nausea, confluence of water in the mouth and inability to stir, the paroxysm ceased after a quarter of an hour, amidst frequent and violent outrush of wind. Ovarian pains, feels as if an enormous swelling in side affected. Mental operations sluggish, thought requires effort. Urticarial spots in various parts. Stricture of the urethra. Eyes. Hurries restlessly to fulfil engagements, fears to be late when there is plenty of time. Epileptic attacks caused by fright, or during menstruation (at night, or in the morning when rising). Menses irregular, scanty (with asthma). Small-pox. Skin blue-grey, violet, or bronze to real black. Cutting pains. Myopie : tout savoir sur le fait d'être myope. Nightly nervousness with heat of head. Puls. Soreness of muscles of neck and back. Intemperate habits. Pressure with heaviness (sensation of lump) and nausea. Neck and Back. Advanced dysentery, with suspected ulceration. Deafness, ringing, buzzing noises, feeling of distraction (left), earache. principes de la Epilepsy. De même, il est possible d'utiliser l’échinacée en teinture-mère ou Ribes nigrum MG (macérât glycériné) 1 DH. Discharge of (whitish) pus with clots of blood. Thick phlegm in mouth. Among the leading symptoms of Arg-n. are: Great tremor. Taste, altered. Mental strain and worry. Argentum nitricum is one of the substances that can treat the condition effectively and make the body feels better. Wart-shaped excrescences. Fatigue in back. Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat, obliging him to hawk. Heaviness in os sacrum, extending along pelvis with painful drawing. Insensibility, face and upper limbs convulsed, trismus, pupils dilated. Muco-purulent sputa seeming to come from wall of larynx. Tenia or ascarides with itching at anus. Arg-n. has irresistible desire for sugar, which at the same time worse. Want of desire, organs shrivelled. Clinical. Anemia. Cachetic state. Fluids go right through him (in cholera infantum). and Merc. Imagines he cannot pass a certain point (Kali-br.). Pain in left shoulder and arm. The headache was better by Act. Gums tender and bleed easily, but neither painful nor swollen. In addition, the mineral is probably safe when you pulled the pure crystals of silver nitrate from the mineral and they are dissolved in alcohol. Building air castles by day: monstrous dreams by night." Similar to: Arg-m. (Arg-m. acts on cartilages, Arg-n. more on mucous membranes, skin, bone, and periosteum, and is suited to herpetic patients), to Aur., Cupr., Kali-bi., Lach., Merc., Merc-c., Merc-i., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Thuj. Jusqu’à la guérison, il est conseillé de prendre trois fois par jour Argentum nitricum en 9 CH. Occipital headache. Suffocative cough at noon. Throat. Ophthalmia neonatorum. Teeth. Melancholic, does not undertake anything lest he should not succeed. Throat, affections of. Intolerance of lacing round hypochondria. The constipation symptoms are few bowel movements, the belly bloats and having problem in bowel movement. Impetigo. Flatulence. Gowers has recorded a case in which the use of Arg-n. for stomach trouble caused (like lead), drop-wrist, gout, and albuminuria. Antidotes to Nit-ac. Lips dry and viscid without thirst. Usually called as silver nitrate, the mineral is popular as it first used as healing treatment for wounds and injuries. Erysipelas. Memory impaired, cannot find the right word. ... Lorsque la pharyngite est accompagnée d'une sensation d'écharde piquée dans la gorge. Some people used to be believed Argentum nitrium can treat anxiety, or nervousness. Dry tongue with thirst. Dullness, mental confusion, dizziness, tendency to fall sideways. Digging up, incisive motion, through the left hemisphere of the brain. Coition painful, followed by bleeding from the vagina. Chill down back every day at noon. The focus and concentration often reduced, when the people are having problem with sleep including insomnia. At eleven AM. Emaciation. Warm drinks better, cold drinks or ices worse stomach pains. Causation. Griping. On the other hand, mainstream medicine and in environmental hazard regulations claimed the mineral as a dangerous poison. A large number of symptoms appear on the left side. Female Sexual Organs. The condition may happen because of anxiety and anticipation.