Are these normal everyday things people do and deal with? People with autism sometimes don't quite "get" jokes and humor of certain kinds, partially because of social difficulty. 11,12 When women do claim their autistic status, many report the process to be powerful and transformative. Get a diagnosis if its important to you, especially if you think it is an issue to your everyday life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. hot top controversial. It's often a special feature of the autistic brain to be able to see patterns all over the place: in letters, numbers, formations of objects, anything. A Little Background on Me, The Autistic schoolmate, and my school: I'm jewish. Annalisa Barbieri advises a reader, Last modified on Thu 8 Feb 2018 17.06 GMT. r/autism: Autism news, information and support. It's not the same as being a super-fan, though; a "special interest," as it's termed for the autistic, is an integral part of your identity and how you live your life, and is pursued in every avenue possible. Autism seems to cause problems in some people when it comes to interpreting and processing sensory information, to the point of causing confusion and pain: you may have difficulty remembering faces, and be either over- or under-sensitive to things like noise and smell. And no, that is not true.) Thanks boss. In Order To Find An Answer To The Question, "Am I Autistic?" I’ve listed some links below to various autistic sites/resources that you can have a look at and see if any chime with you. A 2011 study of nearly 750 people found that the brain regions that process patterns are very active in autistic people, while the regions associated with planning and decisions were less active. Latest News: The Print Edition was released on 1st December 2015 Lydia Andal is the autistic author of the innovative self-help book 'Am I Autistic? This is not an official diagnostic test — some of these are just common traits in introverts or the socially awkward, and not all of them are found in every autistic person. I wasn’t very thrilled with that meeting and almost wished I had the ability to ask if his advise for my shorter colleagues to reach the top shelf is to just be taller. My therapist said he would never have suspected ASD if I hadn't provided specific insight into how I processed social situations. Please feel free to submit articles to enhance the knowledge, acceptance, understanding and research of Autism and ASD. A Test for Adults. They want me to go out and socialise but I don’t at all. Am I being paranoid? Autism is, in its many forms, often about looking at the world very literally. you ever think they are wearing headphones because they don't want to be bothered? You may also have a bit of difficulty with sarcasm, irony, or weird idioms. I was diagnosed at 28. Autism news, information and support. It's probably good for your peace of mind and wouldn't be a waste of his time. Do I Have Autism? HFA wasn't something people looked for back then. So im gonna skip the build up and say we were a wonderful family unit I thought my kids were the best siblings until 24m slept with 26m's wife and after the divorce they got together and had a kid. I don’t know: sure, some of the things you say in your letter could hint at it, or they may be signs that you are depressed. Growing up, I figured out how to blend in socially through trial and error, and most childhood behavioral issues were no longer noticeable by the time I finished high school. Autism news, information and support. This is an interesting one, because it differs radically across the spectrum of autism, but it's worth noting. If you're a routines person, with everything just so and a very specific way of getting to each of your tasks in the morning, and if you get seriously upset if those routines become obstructed, you may have a place on the autism spectrum. I portray that I’m OK to the outside world but deep down I’m struggling most days. If people keep commenting that your reactions to these things are unusual, it may be a marker of something deeper. AmITooAutistic 2 points 3 points 4 points 6 days ago . It was free through my university (grad school) so I figured, 'why not?' My parents want me to go out but I don’t feel like I can. About possible autism and maybe your depression? Contact Annalisa Barbieri, The Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU or email Do you feel you are autistic? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Am I being stupid or is this something I should look into further? I know this might be an odd question to ask, and I know I really should see a dr to be certain (but at this point I feel I'm being stupid and paranoid and I shouldn't waste the Doctors time), but I've been wondering lately as to whether or not I might be on the spectrum? If it is important to you to know, go through the formal diagnosis process with an experienced credentialed professional. Your GP may be able to refer you (there will probably be a waiting list). I'll try not to ramble on, but I'm a 28 year old male, with a full time job and independant lifestyle, and the possibility of me being on the spectrum had never crossed my mind until a few years ago, when I was in the car with my mother, talking about me being a bright child, and she said "Yeah, the school wanted me to get you tested for Autism but I told them outright don't be daft, there's no way he's Autistic". I started to suspect after learning about ASD through college coursework, but didn't bother pursuing a diagnosis because it didn't seem to be interfering with my life (academically successful, had friends, etc). I mentioned this to A close friend of mine who works with special needs kids (with all manners of cases from aspergers to violent upbringings) and whose partner is mildly on the spectrum, and she said flat out that knowing me as well as she does, that I definitely do not have Autism, I trust what she says, but the more I read into it, the more I worry as I make more connections in my head that corroborate with the symptoms.